Store Policy

Customer Care

We take pride in curating a selection of products featuring trusted, globally recognized brands known for their superior quality. However, if the product you receive is damaged, broken, or in any condition that raises concerns of it being a damaged item, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We are committed to ensuring your satisfaction through replacement, refund, or exchange options.

Refunds and exchanges can be facilitated within 7 days of receiving the product, provided it is returned in its original packaging and remains sealed and unopened.

Privacy & Safety

We prioritize the security of our customers' information and want to assure you that we strictly adhere to privacy and data protection standards. Your customer details are maintained securely and will never be utilized for third-party marketing purposes or any form of resale.

Furthermore, as an established Shopify store, our credit card payment transactions are conducted within a secure SSL-encrypted environment. Payments are processed through Shopify PAY, a trusted payment provider, ensuring the highest level of payment encryption and security.

Wholesale Inquiries

If you are interested in purchasing our products in bulk quantities for resale, please reach out to us at We appreciate your consideration.

Standard Shipping

Our standard shipping time typically ranges from 2 to 8 business days, with delivery duration contingent upon your specific location. Please note that delivery to remote rural areas may require additional time.