LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store

LOGICO Primo 完整套装,含免费棋盘(15 个标题 + 1 个棋盘)

货号: 5200F

18 个完整的 LOGICO Primo 游戏和 1 个适合学龄前儿童(3 至 6 岁)的 LOGCIO Primo 板。该套件是学前班使用 LOGICO 进行不同级别教学或在家练习准备上学的不​​错选择。


  1. Primo 泰迪熊工艺品
  2. 普里莫我的一天
  3. Primo 颜色和形状拼图
  4. 普里莫·芬基在幼儿园
  5. Primo 计数并比较最多 6 个
  6. Primo 匹配图片
  7. Primo 我的第一个号码
  8. Primo 数学游戏 1 至 12
  9. Primo 看和说话
  10. Primo 外观与搭配(新!)
  11. Primo First Math with Pictures(新!)
  12. Primo 数字最多 10 - 计数和比较(新!)
  13. Primo 比较数量(新!)
  14. Primo 思维技能 - 第一个逻辑游戏(新!)
  15. Primo 了解编码(新!)

建议年龄:3 - 6 岁。