Passer aux informations produits
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store
LOGICO Primo full set with a free board ( 12 titles + 1 board ) - Dreampiece Educational Store

LOGICO Primo Coffret complet avec une planche offerte ( 15 titres + 1 planche )

SKU: 5200F

18 titres complets LOGICO Primo et 1 planche LOGCIO Primo pour les enfants d'âge préscolaire (de 3 à 6 ans). Ce forfait est un bon choix pour les écoles maternelles souhaitant enseigner avec LOGICO à différents niveaux ou pour s'entraîner à la maison en préparation à l'école.

Cela consiste en,

  1. Primo Arts & craft avec ours en peluche
  2. Primo ma journée
  3. Puzzles de couleurs et de formes Primo
  4. Primo Finki à la maternelle
  5. Primo Comptez et comparez jusqu'à 6
  6. Primo Faites correspondre les images
  7. Primo Mes premiers numéros
  8. Jeux Primo Math 1 à 12
  9. Primo regarde et parle
  10. Look et correspondance Primo (NOUVEAU !)
  11. Primo First Math avec images (NOUVEAU !)
  12. Numéros Primo jusqu'à 10 - Comptez et comparez (NOUVEAU !)
  13. Primo Comparaison de quantités (NOUVEAU !)
  14. Primo Thinking Skills - Premier jeu de logique (NOUVEAU !)
  15. Primo En savoir plus sur le codage (NOUVEAU !)

Âges suggérés : 3 à 6 ans.